Travel Wise – Road Safety Awareness Week

Slow Down Around Schools. The speed limit around schools is 40 kilometres per hour.  This week has been Road Safety Awareness Week. On Monday morning our Travel Wise Team and Constable Paul put on our bright vizzys. grabbed our placards and walked around our busy streets. The placards had road safety messages on them.

Some of our children have also been busy designing road safety posters. We talked about some road safety messages to include in their posters. “Slow down around schools”   “Buckle up”  “Don’t txt and drive”  “Look out for kids” & “Turn your cell phone off when driving”

The Travel Wise Team would also like to address our very busy car park. Especially in the afternoon. Last year we developed “Park and Walk”. Park and Walk is basically using our nearby streets to park in. Then either walk to meet your child at school and walk with your child back to your car. OR  if appropriate, allow your child to manage themselves and walk to where you have parked. It may take a few walks together before progressing to your child walking alone to where you have parked. Here’s a couple of options. Park in Marie Cres, just down off School Rd. Park on Vodanovich Rd and wait for you child at the back entrance. Mackenzie St, which is off Vodanovich  has a walk way into the junior school.

High Vizzy vests are available on request. Park and Walk maps will be handed out in the car park from next week. It would be great to see less double parking and lines of cars cued  right out to the road. Give “Park and Walk” a go. Spread the traffic around.