School background

Edmonton School is located close to Henderson and the North Western Motorway. Our school has a large car park for safe and efficient pickup and drop off for your convenience. We value the fact that we are, in city terms, a small school with a country, family friendly atmosphere. This is significant because there is compelling new research about the benefits of so called boutique schools of this size i.e. under 300.

Our grounds are expansive, attractive, well planted for shade and environmentally safe. We have a brand new playground for middle and senior school.

This school places a strong emphasis on learning and achievement. We provide a rich supportive structure for all students to flourish academically, develop their strengths and have their needs met whilst retaining their unique individuality. Special programmes such as Reading Recovery, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Te Reo, Kapa Haka and Pasifika Culture are taken by qualified teachers.

Our teachers are dedicated and experienced, are NZ trained and registered. They have a strong belief in on-going professional development.

In addition to the above, there are opportunities for students to represent the school in different sports. We have a swimming programme for all students.

We pride ourselves in having a dedicated Board of Trustees supported by helpful staff and parent community. Your choice of school is important and we invite you to come and see for yourself why Edmonton would be an excellent placement for your child. We are certain your trust and confidence in us will be well rewarded.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the legal body that controls Edmonton Primary School. Parents are welcome to attend the meetings that are usually held on the fourth Monday of the month in the staff room.

School Day

School begins 8.55am
Morning tea 10.30 – 11.00am
Lunch 12.30 – 1.20pm
School finishes 3.00pm

Road Patrols

The School Road crossing is patrolled under teacher supervision between 8.30 – 8.50am and 3.00 – 3.10pm. Students needing to cross Edmonton Road wait outside Room 13. At 3.10pm the duty teacher will ensure they cross Edmonton Road safely. Students must wait for the patrols before crossing these roads.

Students needing to cross Vodanovich Road wait by the boat ready for the duty teacher to cross them safely at 3.05pm. Students must wait for the duty teacher before crossing the road.


A school newsletter goes home every Wednesday. These contain important information about coming events or items of interest. Please check with your student as they sometimes forget to pass newsletters on to you.

School Uniform

Our School Uniform is compulsory. It is available from any shop but the following stores stock plenty of options: K.Mart, Warehouse, Farmers & Postie Plus.

Listed below are our uniform requirements.

  • Plain red top with a collar or a red skivvy
  • Plain red sweatshirt
  • Plain Black shorts, skorts, skirt, track pants, trousers
  • Plain red or black sunhat/cap worn in term 1 and term 4
  • Black sandals or shoes with black laces. No boots
  • Black socks

No long sleeves or t-shirts showing under short sleeved tops.

Communication With The School

Good communication between parents and teachers is a priority. If you have a particular query concerning your student please contact the classroom teacher first to discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may need to see the Deputy/Assistant Principal. At that stage he/she may refer you to the Principal if appropriate.

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular and punctual attendance is very important. There are only 198 days of the school year and it is vital for students learning that they utilise this time fully. Absenteeism and truancy are taken seriously and frequent absences may be investigated. Please notify the office if your child is away.
Phone 838 9318
When your child returns to school, a written note is required by the classroom teacher explaining the absence.

Please read our Attendance Policy under the Charters and Policies tab.

Sick Bay

The office staff (Mrs McCarthy) look after the sick bay. They will attend to your child and contact you if necessary. An emergency contract number is required for school records.


If your student is on medication, you will need to see the office staff about signing an authorisation form to allow them to administer medication. No medication is to be kept in a students school bag or desk for safety reasons.

Reporting to Parents/Caregivers

Term 1: Parent / Teacher Interviews
Term 2: Mid Year Report
Term 3: Parent / Teacher Interviews
Term 4: Reports
Portfolios (including National Standards Report)


Junior Assembly: Friday 1.30-2.00pm alternate weeks from Whole School Assembly
Middle Assembly: Alternate Wednesdays from Whole School Assembly  1.40 – 2.10pm
Senior Assembly: Friday 1.30-2.00pm
Whole School Assembly: 9.00am – 9.30  fortnightly.  You are most welcome to attend.


The mobile library will visit the school several times each term for students to select books to take home.

Homework (Senior Syndicate)

Homework has a place for children where school activities are consolidated and extended with the support and encouragement of the Parents/Caregivers.
Establishing a good homework ethic will pay good educational dividends.
Teachers take turns to set the homework tasks for the whole syndicate.

Homework ( Middle Syndicate)

In Y3, students have a home reader and spelling words. A homework sheet may be added later on in the year.

Homework (Junior Syndicate)

In Y1 and Y2, students will have a home reader at least four times a week.
They may also have an alphabet card and/or a basic sight word list to learn.

Special Programmes

The following programmes operate in our school:
Kapa Haka
Pasifika (Seniors)


Year 5 & Year 6 students are taken for half a hour Bible instruction by a church group every Wednesday at 11.00am in the hall. All children attend unless ‘No Bible’ is stated on the enrolment form or a note is written and signed by a parent/caregiver stating the reason why.

Public Health Nurse

The nurse can be contacted through the school.

Dental Therapist

We have a Children’s Community Dental Clinic next to our school. Phone 838 2402 to contact a dental therapist.

Before School and After School Care

We have a privately run before and after school care programme. This is available everyday during the school term.
Hours: 7.00am-8.30am and 3.00pm-5.30pm
Contact the office for more information.

ASB – School Banking

We have school banking available. Contact the office for more information and application to open a bank account.

If you are looking for help in:
Learning, Behaviour, Physical Needs, Extra-Curricular activities & Childcare options,

KidsLink is now building a community of professionals wanting to help you.

Visit:  www.  finds the answers to frequently asked questions from parents:
“Do you know anyone that can help my child with…?”
“What afterschool activities are there for my child…?”
“What are the childcare options like in my area?”
KidsLink has been created for schools, parents and caregivers to find trusted professional service providers, for children and young adults.

Supported and used by our school.