New Entrant Enrolment Packs
Please feel free to pick up an enrolment/information pack from the office or click on the link below. This contains all you will need to know about our school. Parents/Caregivers are most welcome to visit our school so we can show you around. Contact the office to organise a suitable time.

Pre-school visits for New Entrants
We would encourage you to bring your child for pre-school visits. This will help them to settle into school and experience a classroom environment.

Children have three visits (the three weeks before your child starts school). Visits are on Wednesday mornings 8.55am – 11am. This includes morning tea, so please make sure your child has a snack. You are welcome to stay with your child during the visits.

Where possible, your child will visit in the class that they will start in.

Please note that we don’t have any pre-school visits in December. It is a busy time of year and teachers don’t tend to be following their regular programmes.

New Parents Meeting
Parents/Caregivers of New Entrant children are invited to a meeting at school led by the Assistant Principal. This meeting, usually held once a term, gives vital information about our school and how you can best support your child at the beginning of their education. You will be able to ask questions and meet other parents who also have children starting school. We strongly suggest that you take the opportunity to attend the meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions
The following information should help to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get relating to the transition from Kindergarten /Pre-school to Edmonton Primary School:

When is the best time to enrol my child?

Phone the school to check the enrolment policy because it can change if you are out of zone. However, generally enrolling 3 – 4 months before your child begins school is fine. This gives us an indication of expected numbers and enables us to organise classes and plan ahead with more accuracy.

Aside from stationery  and the school uniform, what other costs are involved?

Stationery – can be purchased from the School office.
Trips/Shows – usually once a term.
Fundraising – this can come in a variety of forms e.g. mufti days, raffles, items to buy.
Swimming – children are bussed to Freyberg School once a day for 2  weeks in Term 4. The Board of Trustees subsidise this.
There are other optional items for example, class photos, family photos, lucky book club, calendars.

How do I know my child is safe when schools aren’t completely fenced like pre-schools / kindergartens?

Teachers regularly discuss expectations and show the children boundaries where it is safe for them to play. Duty teachers keep a careful eye on where children are playing during breaks. At 5 years old, your child may be more responsible than you give them credit for!

Can my 5 year old play with their older brother/sister?

Year 1 – 3 children have a separate playground to Year 4 – 6 children. The main reason for this, is that for safety reasons.  The court area outside Rooms 5-7 is a communal play area and younger siblings are able to meet and play with their older brothers / sisters here.

What are the main differences between pre-School and school?

Children attend for longer hours and initially New Entrant children can find the day quite long so it is helpful if you have explained this to them.
School is also more structured. Although children learn through play and there is opportunity for this, there are also set times when writing, reading, maths etc are taught. Therefore, not all of the activities in the classroom are offered throughout the day to your child.

If I have a question/concern relating to my child who do I see?

Your child’s teacher is always the first person you talk to. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, you may need to contact the Assistant Principal.

What sized school bag should I purchase?

School bags need to be of a reasonable size especially during the summer months when it may hold the following: lunch, drink, sweatshirt, footwear, book bag, etc. If everything is able to fit into your child’s school bag, then they are less likely to misplace items!

How many children will be in the class?

This depends on numbers of children at each year level and what time of the year your child starts school. We endeavour to keep our Year 1 classes at approx. 22 children.

What else can I do to prepare my child for school?

Explain to your child what food in their lunch box they should eat at morning tea and lunch time.
Teach your child to tie their shoe laces.
Name all your child’s clothing.
Ensure your child has learnt to tidy up and put items away when they have finished with them.
Read to your child everyday.
Teach them to write their name if they can’t already.
Explain to your child how important it is to tell their teacher or the duty teacher if they have a problem.
Teach your child to be responsible for their own belongings.
Encourage your child to be independent and do as much as possible themselves.
Have a meeting point in the playground after school so your child knows where to find you.

Can I visit the school before/after enrolling my child?

You are most welcome to visit Edmonton Primary School. Just contact the office to organise a suitable time.